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MetaChannel is Entertainment with a Purpose.


Media is programming. Traditionally, media was designed to program you the viewer to serve the programmers.


MetaChannel wants to change that. We feel that social video sharing has changed the way viewers and producers of media relate to the program. Rather than an endless stream of orders and commands to pay the advertisers, we would like More Control over our own programs. We don't want to be colonized, or propagandized, told to passively absorb Big Media's output. We're individuals dammit! MetaChannel exists to hack the stream, mix it, chop it up, and set it free from the evil forces of domination that turn our minds against us.

Sometimes tasteless, often offensive, we Metaprogrammers feel that the price of freedom is worth it. Join us for a new kind of entertainment, curated, mixed, and juxtaposed, and help us seize back the reins of our own culture.


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